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Online Statistics Tutors

These are the Highest Quality Online Statistics Tutors. Get Statistics Lessons Online with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring

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Kiara R

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Hours tutored 1236 Hours Tutored
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I have achieved distinctions in this subject and I comprehend it very well. I have tutored Statistics to Regent business school students, University of Pretoria students as well as students from the university of Australia

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Tendai G

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Hours tutored 756 Hours Tutored
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I completed Statistics at the first and second-year levels and I am very familiar and comfortable with the content. It has played an important role in my degree. I enjoy tutoring it greatly and have seen very good results from my students!

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Dylan R

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Hours tutored 678 Hours Tutored
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I pursued 2 years of Statistics at university level and have assisted numerous learners since then.

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Louise C

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Hours tutored 868 Hours Tutored
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I hold a BCom in Econometrics and a Masters degree in Economics, and have always had a passion for statistics. I am skilled in explaining complex statistical concepts in a way that is simple and facilitates better understanding of the subject matter.

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Vengai C

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Hours tutored 608 Hours Tutored
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I have 10 years of experience teaching CIE A level Mathematics, and 2 years of experience teaching undergraduate and postgraduate Statistics at Studiosity. I am an excellent listener, have good communication skills, and have vast methods of solving problems.

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Karla H

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Hours tutored 589 Hours Tutored
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I am an experienced tutor who breaks down complex concepts and examples into easier, more digestible concepts. I am passionate about tutoring Statistics and helping students succeed.

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Matthew S

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Hours tutored 967 Hours Tutored
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Unlock your abilities! Mastering MSD210 (Dynamics 2010) post-SWK122, I'm an experienced Statistics tutor dedicated to propelling you towards your dreams. Let's elevate your achievements!

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Khanimamba H

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Hours tutored 628 Hours Tutored
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I have enjoyed studying Statistics. My Bachelor's Degree is strongly related to the content covered in Statistics, and I am confident in my ability to facilitate learning in this area.

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Bongani M

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Hours tutored 691 Hours Tutored
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As a Statistics specialist, I'm excited to help you master the art of data organization and trend analysis. With experience tutoring at both first and second-year university levels, I'm here to guide you through the fundamentals of statistics and help you excel!

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Heting Y

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Hours tutored 961 Hours Tutored
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Final year student in BSc Actuarial and Financial Mathematics (completed all modules in BSc Mathematics and BSc Applied Maths) with 22 distinctions. 2 years of experience as Teaching Assistant in UP Maths Department. 6 years of tutoring experience.

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