Afrikaans Tutors in Irene Security Estate, Centurion

Highest Quality Afrikaans Tutors in Irene Security Estate, Centurion. Get Afrikaans Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2

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Monrique H

Tutor in Irene Security Estate, Centurion

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696 Hours Tutored

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I was raised in an Afrikaans household and speak Afrikaans daily. I feel very comfortable teaching this language, as it is my mother tongue and I obtained excellent final marks in my exams.

French English Afrikaans

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Willem B

Tutor in Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria

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587 Hours Tutored

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I'm a native Afrikaans speaker, with a broad knowledge of Afrikaans vocabulary, grammar, literature and culture. I write short stories and poems (some having been published on the LitNet website). I am very enthusiastic about Afrikaans and I would love to help students to get excited about it too.

English Biology Afrikaans Mathematics Natural Science Mathematics Literacy Life Sciences (Biology)
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Jackie N

Tutor in Faerie Glen, Pretoria

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2695 Hours Tutored

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Afrikaans is my home language. I am patient and really enjoy tutoring the subject.

English Geology Afrikaans Geography Mathematics Study skills Linear Algebra Natural Science Physical Science Exam Preparation Information Systems Life Sciences (Biology)
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Bianca H

Tutor in Highveld, Centurion

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1293 Hours Tutored

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Afrikaans is my home language and I have a passion for it.

English Homework Afrikaans Life Orientation
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Jeanette L

Tutor in Wierdapark, Centurion

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519 Hours Tutored

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Afikaans is my home language and I would love to teach others this beautiful language. I can also translate from English.

English Afrikaans Economics Accounting Statistics Mathematics Business Studies Additional Mathematics
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Stephane W

Tutor in Rooihuiskraal, Centurion

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685 Hours Tutored

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Afrikaans is more than my second language. It is my extended family's first language and the language that I communicate with them most of the time. This makes it alot easier for me to help others that are not first language learners to understand the language.

English Afrikaans Mathematics Natural Science Life Sciences (Biology)
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Martha v

Tutor in Erand , Johannesburg

chip background star 4.9

551 Hours Tutored

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I've taught it for years and can make it fun to those I teach. Going back to the basics have proven to be invaluable. Learners soon understand what used to be "difficult"

Zulu English Afrikaans Mathematics
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Marie W

Tutor in Brooklyn, Pretoria

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466 Hours Tutored

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I home schooled my children grade 2-7 using the Cambridge curriculum. Enjoying Afrikaans as a second language is my focus.

English Biology Afrikaans Mathematics Critical Thinking
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Carla S

Tutor in Faerie Glen, Pretoria

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956 Hours Tutored

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I am not only a native Afrikaans speaker but also fully fluent in English. I am highly experienced in translating materials from both languages and proficiently working with Afrikaans material to provide students with the best possible results.

Art English History Homework Afrikaans Sociology Psychology Study skills Exam Preparation English Literature Mathematics Literacy Communication Science
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Avashni R

Tutor in Wierdapark, Centurion

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464 Hours Tutored

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Afrikaans was a subject that I struggled with from a young age. In high school I decided that my time struggling was over. I worked very hard to learn the language and I made sure I was fluent and well rounded enough to get a distinction in Year 12.

English Genetics Afrikaans Mathematics Physical Science Life Orientation Life Sciences (Biology) NBT - National Benchmark Test
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