AS Cambridge syllabus Tutors in Cape Town

Highest Quality AS Cambridge syllabus Tutors in Cape Town. Get AS Cambridge syllabus Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2

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Clifford M

Tutor in Vasco Estate, Cape Town

chip background star 5.0
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307 Hours Tutored

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I enjoy sharing and impacting knowledge to the learners. Working through questions and brainstorming for ideas/solutions with the learners is my approach to learning. This method always yields positive results and brings the best out of the learners.

Accounting Business Studies Financial Accounting Business Management Financial Management Bookkeeping Marketing Management Marketing Business Communication AS Cambridge syllabus

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Merlvine M
chip background star 4.8
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965 Hours Tutored

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I sat for the Zimbabwe School Examinations at the end of my high school - which are very similar to the Cambridge syllabus and did exceptionally well; 8As and 2Bs at Ordinary level and 1A and 2Cs at Advanced Level.

Mathematics Physical Science Additional Mathematics Mathematics Literacy Physics Chemistry Electronics Material Science Advanced Mathematics Mechanics AS Cambridge syllabus Calculus Linear Algebra
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Tawanda S
chip background star 4.8
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686 Hours Tutored

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I obtained a distinction for my 'A' Levels, with Mathematics as my favourite subject in high school. Since then, I have done more than 300 hours of tutoring from high school Mathematics to graduate tutoring.

Physical Science Mathematics Literacy Mathematics Engineering Physics Chemistry GMAT Chemical Engineering AS Cambridge syllabus
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