Highest Quality Computer science Tutors in Rondebosch, Cape Town. Get Computer science Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Computer science tutorTutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
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162 Hours Tutored
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Computer Science is my major and I have a passion for it. Completed a degree with distinction and have knowledge on a handful of CS topics like programming, algorithms, data structures and the like. Can safely tutor any first or second year students requiring guidance.
Tutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
Tutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
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73 Hours Tutored
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I have a solid computer science background and received a distinction in my first year at university. I have experience helping students with this subject and would love the opportunity to continue sharing my tips and tricks with other students to that they can master it as well.
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Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
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117 Hours Tutored
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I received over 80% for Computer Science 1 in 2015 at the University of Cape Town. (Python programming)
Tutor in Cape Town, Western Cape
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53 Hours Tutored
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Having maintained a 100% average for all assignments and Practical tests, as well as excelling in all of the written tests, I believe I can be of some assistance when it comes to proliferating success, and correcting shortfalls.
Tutor in Retreat, Cape Town
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146 Hours Tutored
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I love programming and solving problems using technology. Coding is my thing. I have knowledge in HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Java, Python, NodeJS and I'm working hard to gain more knowledge and to learn other computer languages.
Tutor in Mowbray, Cape Town
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247 Hours Tutored
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The course codes mentioned are from UCT, I have tutored computer science courses/modules from other universities before. What matters is the proficiency in languages, Python & Java. I use summarised concepts from textbooks to tutor and practical coding.
Tutor in Cape Town, Western Cape
Tutor in Cape Town, Western Cape
92 Hours Tutored
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I'm experienced with Java, C++ and Python which I have polished through the years. I hope to use the skills I gained to help someone on their programming journey.
Tutor in Zonnebloem, Cape Town
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64 Hours Tutored
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I have had four internships at different Tech companies in different industries and have loads of Programming experience outside my degree. Some of my personal projects are on my GitHub profile at github.com/tino1b2be.
Tutor in Van Ryneveld, Cape Town
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73 Hours Tutored
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With computer science a little help goes a long way. I excel at distilling complex concepts into relatable metaphors
Tutor in Richmond Estate, Cape Town
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170 Hours Tutored
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I am a Computer Science Honours graduate from UCT currently working in the industry, and hence have an excellent understanding of foundational concepts that entry-level students would struggle with. This makes me a great potential candidate to tutor and deliver the intended results.
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