Computer Studies (ICT) Tutors in Pretoria

Highest Quality Computer Studies (ICT) Tutors in Pretoria. Get Computer Studies (ICT) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2

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Wynand L

Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria

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70 Hours Tutored

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My studies have expanded my knowledge of Computer Sciences as well as my coding knowledge. I have plenty of experience tutoring high school students.

Mathematics Physical Science Computer Studies (ICT)
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Tian P

Tutor in Garsfontein, Pretoria

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34 Hours Tutored

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Starting with IT in high school and transitioning to computer studies, I've gained invaluable skills in report writing, tackling university assignments, and working efficiently with industry software.

Mathematics Engineering Drawing Computer Studies (ICT) Engineering Graphic Design
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Sphathise N

Tutor in La Montagne, Pretoria

chip background star 4.5

16 Hours Tutored

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In high school I was studying Computer Applications Technology, I know everything that you need to know about Computer as I passed this subject with a distinction . I know all the programs in the computer and I was tutoring it last year.

CAT Xhosa English Accounting Mathematics Business Studies Financial Reporting Information Systems Financial Accounting Computer Studies (ICT) Economic Management Science (EMS)
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Fullness I

Tutor in Silver Lakes, Pretoria

chip background star 5.0
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50 Hours Tutored

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I enjoyed Computer Studies in school, and am currently doing my 2nd year Bachelor of Information Technology at UP.

Mathematics Programming Computer science Computer Studies (ICT)
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Monalisa T

Tutor in Muckleneuk, Pretoria

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ICT is all about understanding your theory and practical activities in order to answer exam and test questions. I will ensure that the student has access to past papers and notes to enhance their learning.

Accounting Life Orientation Computer Studies (ICT)
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Emmanuel O

Tutor in Muckleneuk, Pretoria

chip background star 4.8
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997 Hours Tutored

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I am so passionate about computer studies, and I am grateful and proud to be able to pass on this knowledge to students. I also currently teach A+ and Networking. I enjoy helping students succeed and setting them up for success in the future.

CAT IELTS English Homework Mathematics Engineering Computer Skills Control Systems Physical Science Project Management Mathematics Literacy Business Mathematics Computer Programming Computer Studies (ICT) Information Technology Life Sciences (Biology)
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Simon S

Tutor in Moregloed, Pretoria

chip background star 4.9
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557 Hours Tutored

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I have always been passionate about Computer Studies, and my deep understanding of programming, web design and development, and software engineering makes me the perfect tutor. Let me help you excel in the subject and take your skills to the next level!

C# C++ Java Python Research Programming Electronics Computer Systems Computer Programming Computer Studies (ICT) Information Technology

Tutors in surrounding areas:

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Joshua F

Tutor in Silver Lakes Golf Estate, Gauteng

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I've managed to effectively utilise a computer by mastering its software and hardware.

English Swimming Geography Mathematics Business Studies Mathematics Literacy Computer Studies (ICT)

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Dillon P
chip background star 4.9
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1154 Hours Tutored

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I have achieved excellent high school ICT results and I have a sound understanding of Java, Delphi and Scilab, as well as Microsoft Access and Derby databases. I also have a good understanding of how computers and networks work.

Mathematics Computer Skills Physical Science Chemical Engineering Computer Programming Computer Studies (ICT) Information Technology Life Sciences (Biology)
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Ivana N
chip background star 4.9
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967 Hours Tutored

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IT is a very broad and interesting subject that can get tricky to navigate. I hope to help others understand it better! I have completed an IT degree and can tutor Delphi, C++, C#, Java , Microsoft office and any other basic IT theory (including HTML).

Economics Accounting Financial Accounting Computer Studies (ICT) Information Technology
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Pierre N
chip background star 4.6
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421 Hours Tutored

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I have 10 years of experience in teaching this subject.

CAD French English Mathematics Mathematics Literacy Computer Programming Computer Studies (ICT) Information Technology
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