Economic Management Science (EMS) Tutors in La Colline, Stellenbosch

Highest Quality Economic Management Science (EMS) Tutors in La Colline, Stellenbosch. Get Economic Management Science (EMS) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2

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Amy B

Tutor in La Colline, Stellenbosch

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I am dedicated to providing comprehensive support that goes beyond mere instruction. My approach encompasses not only clarifying concepts and reinforcing learning but also fostering critical thinking skills and instilling a genuine passion for the subject.

English Afrikaans Accounting Business Studies Economics Economic Management Science (EMS)

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Jordan R

Tutor in Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch

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141 Hours Tutored

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even though I have not done EMS in a while, my Business Studies and Accounting knowledge will definitely help you and hopefully along the way make you enjoy this subject that you decide to take Business Studies and Accounting in Gr10 !

English Accounting Business Studies Economic Management Science (EMS) Geography Financial Accounting
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Naledi P

Tutor in The Reeds, Centurion

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87 Hours Tutored

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Because I'm studying Accounting, I have a sound understanding of EMS in the broader scheme of the economy, which enables me to impart this knowledge to others.

English Afrikaans Accounting Economic Management Science (EMS) History
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Lyn-marie S

Tutor in Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch

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20 Hours Tutored

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The reason why I listed this subject is because it is such a crucial basis for economics, accounting, entrepreneurial sciences and business management. I want to help build the foundation to grow economists of tomorrow.

Mathematics Physical Science Afrikaans Accounting Economics Economic Management Science (EMS)
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Rudolph S

Tutor in Potchefstroom, North West

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I had an excellent Economics lecturer when I studied in Potchefstroom. She made sure that each class was interesting, as well as educational. She used humour to keep the class engaged, and provided me with a better perspective overall about how the economy functions. I aim to do the same.

Mathematics English Economic Management Science (EMS) Natural Science Psychology Industrial Psychology Conversational English

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Thulani M
chip background star 5.0
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2201 Hours Tutored

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I can help students develop summaries and effective learning strategies to optimize their performance in this subject. I find I am able to explain difficult concepts in a way people can understand, making their learning more enjoyable and successful.

Mathematics Accounting Economic Management Science (EMS) Statistics Advanced Mathematics Business Statistics Applied Statistics Research R Studio SPSS STATA
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Prince M
chip background star 4.7
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4103 Hours Tutored

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I have many hours of tutoring experience and would love to assist other learners to gain more insight into the subject matter and build on their confidence in approaching the subject! I know how to draft balance sheets, cash flow statements, and expenditures (just to mention a few).

Mathematics Physical Science Accounting Life Sciences (Biology) Economic Management Science (EMS) Geography Chemistry AP Maths Physics
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Prisca N
chip background star 4.9
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4496 Hours Tutored

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With abundant experience in Business and Economics, I possess a deep understanding of Economics and Management Science. I am eager to share my expertise and empower others with valuable knowledge in these subjects.

Mathematics Physical Science English Afrikaans Accounting Life Sciences (Biology) Business Economics Business Studies Economic Management Science (EMS) Geography Homework Life Orientation Mathematics Literacy Natural Science Statistics Economics French Financial Accounting Technology Business Management Financial Management Commercial Law Auditing
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Rendani N
chip background star 4.5
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1831 Hours Tutored

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I’ve always been the best learner of economics and management science in primary and that is what inspired me to become an economics tutor. I’ve been an economics tutor for the past 4 years and in these past 4 years, I have helped a lot of learners by improving both their marks and confidence.

Mathematics Physical Science English Accounting Economic Management Science (EMS) Social Science Sepedi Information Technology
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Thomas B
chip background star 4.8
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2410 Hours Tutored

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I have taught a variety of various subjects including Economic Management science, I am knowledgeable and able to assist others in their understanding of the subject.

Mathematics Physical Science English Life Sciences (Biology) Economic Management Science (EMS) Geography History Mathematics IEB experience
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