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Mathematics Tutors in Port Elizabeth

These are the Highest Quality Mathematics Tutors in Port Elizabeth. Get Mathematics Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring

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Prince M

Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
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I have always liked to solve problems and Mathematics allowed me to develop my problem-solving skills and I fell in love with it. I did O and A level Cambridge Mathematics and Engineering Maths such is MATV101 and MATV102 in my freshman year.

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Ongama S

Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
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I have always been good at maths. This subject came to me with ease and I enjoyed it very much.

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Amara B

Tutor in Westering, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Westering, Port Elizabeth
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I have taught this subject in Grades R-4, I am always challenging my knowledge and learning daily through my studies to improve my ability to teach this subject.

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Tristan K

Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
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I enjoyed maths throughout my school career and have tutored a grade 7 and 8 student in 2016. In my testing for varsity to get into my BCom course I got 85+ for both Mathematics tests. I would love to tutor this subject.

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Amy P

Tutor in Greenshields Park, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Greenshields Park, Port Elizabeth
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I received A's throughout Primary and High School.

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Cassandra Z

Tutor in Korsten, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Korsten, Port Elizabeth
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I am an analytical chemistry graduate and I'm currently doing my second year in pharamcy. Mathematics can be challenging but as a tutor, I always try and find easier ways to explain the work to students.

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Kurt L

Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I used to create assignments/tasks to improve my Maths. I have utilized Maths throughout my University subjects and have done advanced Statistics modules. Maths is tough but we can get through it together!

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