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Physics Tutors in United States

These are the Highest Quality Physics Tutors in United States. Get Physics Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring

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Sarah H

Tutor in Denver, Colorado
Tutor in Denver, Colorado
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I recently graduated from college (2020) with a minor in Physics, and have spent the 2020-21 school year tutoring high school Physics with an emphasis on AP Physics 1. I love sharing tips and tricks I learned in college and helping my students build confidence for the AP test and beyond.

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Bennett R

Tutor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Tutor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy. I have an undergraduate degree in exercise science with a minor in gerontology and a doctoral degree in Physical Therapy, both from Slippery Rock University. I utilize physics every day in my work.

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Happiness O

Tutor in Deerfield, Illinois
Tutor in Deerfield, Illinois
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You can be whatever you want to be (regardless of where you are right now). I am here to help you make your DREAMS come alive and help you realize your full POTENTIAL.

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Jonathan R

Tutor in Seabrook, Texas
Tutor in Seabrook, Texas
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Many of my current engineering classes require a solid background in physics, and I am performing very well academically in these classes. I have helped classmates in the past and continue to do so. It brings me joy to help others understand Physics!

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Waleed A

Tutor in Chicago, Illinois
Tutor in Chicago, Illinois
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High school math and physics can certainly be overwhelming at times. I believe this journey can be made much less daunting with the help of an experienced ally; who can offer guidance, encouragement, support, and ultimately be a powerful force that promotes your learning and development.

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Jeremy L

Tutor in Garland, Texas
Tutor in Garland, Texas
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From Classical mechanics to Electro magnetism, I am here ready to answer questions and help with understanding home work.

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Lance L

Tutor in Atlanta, Georgia
Tutor in Atlanta, Georgia
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Among my experience is a summer internship at a mathematics museum in NYC communicating math concepts to people around the world. I have tutored since middle school, and now frequently tutor 3rd and 4th year students, sometimes through an entire course. I'm also an AIME and USAPHO participant.

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Thomas L

Tutor in Arlington, Texas
Tutor in Arlington, Texas
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Physics C was the hardest course I took in high school. Having taken this course while learning the fundamentals of calculus I can say it was challenging. However, physics is now something I do everyday as an Aerospace Engineering graduate student. I can navigate through any problem with you.

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Susan D

Tutor in Malvern, Pennsylvania
Tutor in Malvern, Pennsylvania
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I have a strong understanding of physics at the univeristy level in both classical and modern physics, and electricity and magnitism.

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Giancarlo F

Tutor in Jacksonville Beach, Florida
Tutor in Jacksonville Beach, Florida
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Can tutor physics at the high school level, have done so previously.

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