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Life Orientation Tutors in Schoenmakerskop, Gqeberha

Highest Quality Life Orientation Tutors in Schoenmakerskop, Gqeberha. Get Life Orientation Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2

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Anezwa T

Tutor in Schoenmakerskop, Gqeberha
Tutor in Schoenmakerskop, Gqeberha
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Hours tutored 58 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

Apart from my marks in Life orientation, I would love to provide lessons for this subject because I think that it plays a crucial role in the development of children especially when you are in Grade 12 and are about to transition into University.

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Marloné N

Tutor in Rynfield, Benoni
Tutor in Rynfield, Benoni
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Having my degree in Psychology as well as a Honors in Sociology I feel that I am more than able to assist students with the subject of Life Orientation.

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Laiken F

Tutor in Millard Grange, Gqeberha
Tutor in Millard Grange, Gqeberha
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The diverse range of topics covered within LO are beneficial as they provide one with practical skills and general knowledge about life. I believe that all students should reap the benefits of this subject.

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Francis G

Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
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Francis G

chip background star 5.0
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 22 Hours Tutored
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Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I would love to assist in this subject as it has to do with the world around us. It's an informative subject that you are able to use in your everyday life.

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Tiisetso C

Tutor in Jane Furse, Limpopo
Tutor in Jane Furse, Limpopo
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 11 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

Life Orientation has always been my favourite because not only does it teach us about our lives but it also teaches us about other people and everything happening around us. It helps us understand people and their actions and also gives us a guide with regard to solving real-life problems.

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Amy P

Tutor in Greenshields Park, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Greenshields Park, Port Elizabeth
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Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I received a distinction for Life Orientation in Matric. I thoroughly enjoyed this subject and can help learners be motivated to want to learn the contents of this subject. LO is a necessary subject to pass in order to pass Matric.

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chip background star 4.8

Keshlin G

Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
chip background star 4.8

Keshlin G

chip background star 4.8
Tutor in Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 59 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I obtained a distinction for this subject in High School. I throughly enjoyed this subject as it has to do with the world around us. Its informative and I would love to share my knowledge.

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chip background star 5.0

Kaylin R

Tutor in Sunridge Park, Port Elizabeth
chip background star 5.0

Kaylin R

chip background star 5.0
Tutor in Sunridge Park, Port Elizabeth
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 60 Hours Tutored
Cannot tutor online Cannot tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I know the types of questions asked in exams & how to think about the questions to reach the right answer. I know the work that should be studied to have knowledge to answer the paper. I understand LO projects as i never achieved under 95% for them.

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Lisa K

Tutor in Parkside, Port Elizabeth
Tutor in Parkside, Port Elizabeth
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Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

Life Orientation is a subject that most high school kids take for granted. It is important to provide an interactive environment between student and teacher to discuss the fundamentals of life itself. These kind of discussions are right up my alley.

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Zizipho N

Tutor in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape
Tutor in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape
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Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I’m easy going, open and honest, which I believe is a requirement for tutoring or teaching such a subject. Our learners need to be taught openly and honestly without skipping those “uncomfortable” topics.

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