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Lerato N

Tutor in Mavimbela, Katlehong • 22 years old

Can tutor online
Can tutor in person


I have a Degree majoring in Economics and Econometrics from The University of Johannesburg. I am currently pursuing an Honors Degree in Economics.

I have a passion for teaching and guiding individuals to excel in their lives. Currently, I am actively involved in tutoring two modules at UJ: Business Management 1A and Commerce 100.


• Currently - BCom Honors in Economics
• 2019 - 2022 BCom in Economics and Econometrics ( University of Johannesburg)

My Proudest

• I am proud to be the first person in my family to graduate. Additionally, working as a UJ tutor is an incredibly fulfilling accomplishment for me. It allows me to provide valuable assistance to students and share my own experiences to help improve their lives.


  • University Tutoring

Business Management

First Year

I have always had a strong passion for Business Management, and my dedication to the subject was evident during my first year of university, where I achieved a distinction in the module.


First Year

I hold a degree in Economics and Econometrics, and currently working towards an Honors degree in Economics. I take great interest in staying globally informed about current affairs and find immense pleasure in acquiring knowledge about the functioning of the economy.


First Year

Studying Mathematics offers numerous benefits such as enhancing analytical abilities, fostering problem-solving skills, establishing a strong groundwork for future academic pursuits. My duty is to assist you reach your utmost potential and strive to success.

Business Economics

First Year

LES is one of my favorite modules because it has empowered me with excellent writing and research skills that have proven beneficial throughout my undergraduate studies. Now that I am pursuing my honors, I continue to utilize and build upon the academic research skills that I acquired through LES.

Business courses

First Year

I achieved distinctions for both of my semester tests, which was truly exhilarating and I have been captivated by the subject ever since. This module provided me with valuable tools for effective communication and problem-solving skills, which I have found immensely beneficial.


Lerato will travel up to 30km from Mavimbela, Katlehong, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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