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Reading Tutors in United States

These are the Highest Quality Reading Tutors in United States. Get Reading Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring

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Malcolm W

Tutor in Haverford, Pennsylvania
Tutor in Haverford, Pennsylvania
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Hey everyone! I graduated high school in 2019 with a 4.4 GPA and scored 1440 on the SAT (720 on the Language Arts portion). I took AP Language/Composition as well as AP Literature in high school, scoring a 4 on both of those AP exams. I also was a journalism major for a year of college - reach out!

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Noelle N

Tutor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Tutor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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Strong reading skills are important to any academic discipline. In highschool, I had a research position where I read a lot of academic articles so I have plenty of tools that I can give to your student to improve their comprehension and analytical skills!

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Tristan W

Tutor in Charlottesville, Virginia
Tutor in Charlottesville, Virginia
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As with writing, I have read over 50 books in my time at UVA, and passed all of my AP writing focused classes in the A range, giving me an ample grasp of reading and what it takes to foster a positive and fruitful reading experience.

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Jennifer E

Tutor in San Mateo, California
Tutor in San Mateo, California
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I have experience teaching reading to primary school students up to college-level students! Experienced in online reading support because I have been working online for the past year.

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Hinal P

Tutor in Augusta, Georgia
Tutor in Augusta, Georgia
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I have gone to various elementary schools and read to little kids. I have also done various activities with them to help them improve their reading skills.

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Emily R

Tutor in Emeryville, California
Tutor in Emeryville, California
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I have been a tutor for young children for years, and I’m also a middle school teacher. I’m exciting to help students succeed in achieving grade-level reading.

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Bennett R

Tutor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Tutor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy. I have an undergraduate degree in exercise science with a minor in gerontology and a doctoral degree in Physical Therapy, both from Slippery Rock University. I am passionate about helping students in all areas of study, especially in the sciences and English.

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Javani F

Tutor in Macon, Georgia
Tutor in Macon, Georgia
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I work as a tutor for America Reads/America Counts throughout the school year, which specializes in building literacy in disadvantaged elementary school populations. We also helped children with any homework they had been assigned after a reading tutoring session.

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Alexa C

Tutor in Staten Island, New York
Tutor in Staten Island, New York
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I have a passion for reading, and combined with excelling in both AP English Language and Composition and AP English Literature and Composition in high school, I am confident I can pass my skills on to others.

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Akira C

Tutor in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Tutor in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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I've tutored the reading section of the SAT and have also tutored general English for my clients. I have tutored learning impaired students in the past and am accommodating for specific needs.

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