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Cost Management Tutors in Pretoria Townlands 351, Pretoria

Highest Quality Cost Management Tutors in Pretoria Townlands 351, Pretoria. Get Cost Management Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2

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Disebo M

Tutor in Pretoria Townlands 351, Pretoria
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Disebo M

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Tutor in Pretoria Townlands 351, Pretoria
Hours tutored 30 Hours Tutored
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I have been tutoring Financial Accounting 1st year and Cost Accounting 2nd year level with Unisa and independently for more than 10 years. I am currently a CIMA member.

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Shaahid F

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Hours tutored 290 Hours Tutored
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Cost Management Accounting teaches you strategic skills, tools and resources to analyse money coming in and out of a company. The difficulty presents itself in understanding cost drivers, using the correct tools with the data presented and how to present it in a manner of CIMA. Very vital module.

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Tafadzwa C

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Hours tutored 85 Hours Tutored
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I have over 6 years experience tutoring and helping students to realise their full potential.Mathematics up to tertiary level.Tutoring is my hobby. I specialise at Mathematics, Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Auditing at university.

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Beatrice N

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Hours tutored 168 Hours Tutored
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Understand the principles , do not memorise the principles because that never helps, understand and know it, make it second nature and the rest should be easy.

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Faith M

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Having studied Cost Management for five years at university, I am confident that I can offer effective, easy-to-understand explanations, examples, and demonstrations for this module, which will ensure good results. In addition, my Maths background has helped me develop good costing skills.

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Sanele Z

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Costing is a challenging subject which require someone who pays attention to detail. I excel in these topics i.e., Standard Costing, Transfer Pricing, activity-based costing, flexible budgeting, and variance analysis. Etc.

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Simba T

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Hours tutored 101 Hours Tutored
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I have 2 years experience teaching this subject plus I am CIMA qualified and have BCom Accounting degree and I do believe my knowledge and expertise will assist my students.

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Pfarelo M

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Hours tutored 219 Hours Tutored
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I have over 3 and a half years of work experience as an Audit trainee and Assistant manager and am currently a senior consultant in Audit (US GAAP). I hold a Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Accounting Science (CA Honours) where I have done these modules at their highest level.

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Major M

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Hours tutored 62 Hours Tutored
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Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I have an Honours degree in Management Accounting and I finished top of my class for this module in my Honours year. I am a practicing financial accountant having completed my articles in management accounting.

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Priscilla B

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Hours tutored 98 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Cannot tutor in person Cannot tutor in person

I am highly proficient in cost and financial management and I obtained an A level for three consecutive years.

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