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Ana P

29 years old

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I am highly ambitious and passionate about everything I do, including bringing out the best potential in others. I find a lot of joy in watching and helping others succeed in their journey.

I'm very patient and understanding, I am aware that many learners have various learning styles, and that sometimes concepts need to be discussed several times or explained in different ways. I always find many ways to explain one particular concept. I'm good at different learning styles and applying a suitable learning technique.


• Degree attained in (Bsc) Actuarial Science at the University of Witwaterstrand

My Proudest

• 1. Admitted to the Golden Key International Society
• 2. Performed with So You Think You Can Dance Winners - concert by selection
• 3. Swam Midmar Mile


  • School Tutoring

Additional Mathematics

Grade 1 - Grade 12

Mathematics requires constant practice. Ideally, having a passion for this subject is beneficial.

AP Maths

Grade 1 - Grade 12

I received distinctions for Mathematics and Advanced Mathematics in High School, and I have currently completed 2 years of Mathematics at University level.

  • University Tutoring


First Year - Third Year

I have successfully completed my major in Statistics as a part of my Actuarial Science degree.


First Year - Second Year

I have completed first and second year Mathematics major at Wits university and received distinctions for both years in all Mathematics courses.

Financial Mathematics

First Year - Third Year

I have successfully completed my major in Financial Mathematics as a part of my Actuarial Science degree.

Reviews from others

“Ana knew everything so well. She always came prepared to my lessons and knew exactly how to teach me everything. I Understood concepts so easily with Ana’s explaining. I really enjoyed Ana as my tutor. ”


“Ana is very patient with Tshepo. She has a way of getting through to him to understand concepts. The sessions are fun and Tshepo is always looking forward to the sessions with her. In this last term, he improved a lot in Maths and received compliments from his teacher. Thank you very much.”


“Ana was very patient, knowledgeable and methodical in her approach, especially with the added challenge of tutoring over an electronic platform (kuddo's for getting me to understand statistics via Skype!). Ana was very calm, well presented and her enthusiasm to go the extra mile was clearly evident. Many thanks, and here is to keeping fingers crossed for positive exam results!”


“Ana is a very capable tutor and we will be most definitely using her after the holidays..”


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