Highest Quality English Literature Tutors in Bryanston, Sandton. Get English Literature Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
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Tutor in Bryanston, Sandton
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I am a PhD candidate, Writing Fellow and Writing Consultant at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits).My experience includes tutoring at Wits, lecturing at Varsity College, and Research and Academic Training/Writing/Editing at Pearson Institute.
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Tutor in Wendywood, Sandton
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46 Hours Tutored
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I am currently doing English as one of my Majors in University and Achieved an A for the subject in my first year of Studying.
Tutor in Kempton Park, Gauteng
Tutor in Kempton Park, Gauteng
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53 Hours Tutored
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Dialogue and dialogism, teller and reflector characters, narrative techniques, free indirect discourse, speech act, postmodernism, poststructurilism, poetry analysis, Shakespeare and etc.
Tutor in Parkview, Randburg
Tutor in Parkview, Randburg
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20 Hours Tutored
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I was the Top English Student at school and received 82% for my matric finals. I then qualified with a distinction for English at university. I am now a qualified English teacher.
Tutor in Equestria, Pretoria
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38 Hours Tutored
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English Literature is a beautiful form of art. I can help you understand poetry and set work books that are seem like foreign languages to you as I have many tips and tricks which improved my marks significantly at university.
Tutor in Zevenfontein 407-Jr, Midrand
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91 Hours Tutored
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I majored in both English Literature (with distinction) and English Language and Linguistics at Rhodes University. I am extremely well read, and well versed in all types of English Literature (poetry, prose, drama, fiction, nonfiction, and media).
Tutor in Woodmead, Sandton
Tutor in Woodmead, Sandton
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I have learned how to effectively present English Literary essays that have resulted in my good results. I have a good knowledge of how to use Harvard referencing and how to proofread. I also have a good knowledge of how to deconstruct a text and approach it from different perspectives.
Tutor in Orange Grove, Johannesburg
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62 Hours Tutored
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I have an Honours degree in English Literature from Wits, and won the prize for being the highest achieving student in my Honours year. (I consistently got marks in the 80s for essays and exams.)
Tutor in Randpark Ridge, Randburg
Tutor in Randpark Ridge, Randburg
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I have a degree in English Literature. I also taught academic writing and critical thinking to first year psychology students.
Tutor in Magaliessig, Sandton
Tutor in Magaliessig, Sandton
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Ability to think metaphorically and understand the message behind the author's book.You can travel the world and in time just by engaging in literature. If you enjoy reading and writing try me and you won't regret it.Lets create some poetic justice.
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