English Literature Tutors in Stellenbosch

These are the Highest Quality English Literature Tutors in Stellenbosch. Get English Literature Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring

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Kelly M

Tutor in Stellenbosch, Western Cape

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30 Hours Tutored

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I have my Honours degree in English. I understand literature and what will be expected of you. I will be able to assist you where necessary.

English Afrikaans English Literature
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Kyle P

Tutor in Stellenbosch Central, Stellenbosch

chip background star 5.0
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43 Hours Tutored

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I have always been linguistically inclined. Not to mention, I have just completed my undergraduate university degree in English where I did occasionally tutor. My specialties are literature and creative writing.

Mathematics English Mathematics Literacy Law English Literature Criminal Law Conversational English
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Andrea E

Tutor in Universiteits Oord, Stellenbosch

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50 Hours Tutored

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I graduated with English Studies as one of my majors and throughout my studies I diligently made class notes that I sold to my peers.

English Afrikaans English Literature

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Carla R

Tutor in Brackenfell South, Cape Town

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I studied English Literature for three years at a university level which I feel will aid me in understanding literature.

English Afrikaans English Literature

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Lee-ann S
chip background star 4.5
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310 Hours Tutored

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I enjoy Literature and have achieved great results at university level in studying different genres.

English Afrikaans Geography History English Literature Conversational English
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Carla S
chip background star 5.0
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945 Hours Tutored

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I have experience in assisting fellow students with assignments and projects and also printing out notes I have made for them. I read all books and watch all films in advance before class instructs me to and do my best to read as many extra notes made on it. So you would be very well prepared.

English Afrikaans Art History Homework Mathematics Literacy Psychology English Literature Exam Preparation Study skills Sociology Communication Science
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Mary C
chip background star 4.7
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837 Hours Tutored

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I have a BA Honours in English, with distinction, from UNISA. I have tutored first year students at Rhodes University. I am hardworking, calm and patient.

English Afrikaans English Literature
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Nick G
chip background star 5.0
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392 Hours Tutored

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I finished second in my year for English Literature at the University of Cape Town, due primarily to sensitive and committed reading skills, and a particular passion for essay-writing, after consistent As throughout my schooling.

Mathematics English Afrikaans History Xhosa English Literature Conversational English
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Carmel C
chip background star 4.9
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464 Hours Tutored

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I recently graduated from Oxford with a master's in linguistics and studied English during my undergraduate degree. I won the "Best Detective" award for the highest marks in my English seminar group. I am always reading and I have a special ability to translate Shakespeare into normal English!

Homework Psychology English English Literature Research Linguistics Research Methodology Conversational English
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Elizabeth W
chip background star 4.9
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408 Hours Tutored

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I am experienced online tutor with a special knack for analysing literature from Shakespeare to Poetry. I have achieved a BA Degree and a Post Graduate Teaching Diploma and have taught students from different levels for abut 30 years. My ability to analyse literature is one of my strengths.

English Afrikaans Life Sciences (Biology) Drama English Literature Conversational English
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