Life Sciences (Biology) Tutors in Midrand

Highest Quality Life Sciences (Biology) Tutors in Midrand. Get Life Sciences (Biology) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2

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Isheunesu M

Tutor in Noordwyk, Midrand

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224 Hours Tutored

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Enjoyed the subject during my high school days and I passed it well. I am confident I can rub off the interest and good grades to others with ease.

Mathematics English Accounting Life Sciences (Biology) Business Studies Mathematics Literacy Information Systems Marketing Statistics
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Rindai G

Tutor in Vorna Valley, Midrand

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131 Hours Tutored

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I have always enjoyed and excelled at Life Science since High School, achieving a Matric result of 83% and would love to help other learners do the same! I find I am able to explain difficult concepts in a way people can understand, making their learning more enjoyable and successful

Mathematics Physical Science Accounting Life Sciences (Biology) Statistics Chemistry Macro Economics Financial Management Microeconomics Introduction to Actuarial Science Actuarial Science
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Tumisho R

Tutor in Noordwyk, Midrand

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174 Hours Tutored

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Life Sciences is a subject I understand very well and can teach well due to my in-depth understanding of it. As a result of my exceptional communication skills, I am capable of actively listening to students, clearly answering their questions, and facilitating lively discussions during lessons

Mathematics Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology) Geography Life Orientation Sepedi
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Simeshini N

Tutor in Barbeque Downs, Midrand

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105 Hours Tutored

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I am passionate about Biology and I have majored in Anatomy and Genetics at the University of Pretoria. Biology is not hard if you are a little humerus.

English Life Sciences (Biology)
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Khodani M

Tutor in Halfway Gardens, Midrand

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162 Hours Tutored

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The genesis of life is wrapped in understanding this module. I believe that if I tutor this subject, my students will not only see this as a subject but as a day to day way of living and they will get a sense of why things are the way they are today.

Mathematics Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology) Geography Chemistry
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Ntuthuko Z

Tutor in Halfway House, Midrand

chip background star 4.9
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211 Hours Tutored

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I am very good at Life Science and both learning and teaching it has been a great experience for me. I achieved 85% in Matric.

Mathematics Life Sciences (Biology) Geography Informatics Computer science
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Mmasechaba G

Tutor in Noordwyk, Midrand

chip background star 4.8
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148 Hours Tutored

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I have an interest in Biology and did well in the subject. If anyone needs help with it, I will be able to provide up to grade 10 with confidence.

Mathematics Life Sciences (Biology) Research Methodology
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Sibusiso M

Tutor in Kaalfontein, Midrand

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232 Hours Tutored

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I am a self-motivated person who thoroughly enjoys the process of acquiring knowledge and then imparting it to others. I received a distinction in Life Sciences in high school and the subject was fundamental to my achieving my Biomedical Engineering degree.

Mathematics Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology)
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Nare M

Tutor in President Park AH, Midrand

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155 Hours Tutored

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I love Biology and did well in it in school. I major in Zoology and Botany at UNISA and enjoying it a lot. Learners would benefit greatly from my knowledge and simultaneously enhance my own as I prepare for lessons.

Mathematics Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology) Music Theory Violin Physical Science IEB
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Isaac S

Tutor in Kaalfontein, Midrand

chip background star 4.9
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137 Hours Tutored

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I have done it at school. I have tutored the subject before to grade 8 learners.

Mathematics Physical Science English Life Sciences (Biology) Geography History Natural Science
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