Management Tutors in Roodepoort

These are the Highest Quality Management Tutors in Roodepoort. Get Management Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring

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Benda B

Tutor in Princess, Roodepoort

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Management allows to gain understanding on some of the most important functions performed in any business, namely: Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling.

French Geography Accounting Management Business Management Human Resource Management
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Portia M

Tutor in Zandspruit 191-Iq, Roodepoort

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Management is not only about managing people or business but it is a subject that will help you be innovative and apply your skills in the real world.

Statistics Accounting Management Taxation Finance Auditing

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Kristen A

Tutor in Northcliff, Randburg

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People Management requires a lot of critical thinking and it also requires the student to remember a large amount of content. I am able to assist with the structuring and critical thinking of assignments as well as content recall for tests and exams.

Life Sciences (Biology) Business Studies History Life Orientation Economics Management Business Law Applied Mathematics
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Khutjo L

Tutor in Vrededorp, Johannesburg

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I make a great Management tutor having excelled in the university Management course by developing efficient methods of studying at the university level. I aim to impart this technical knowledge to other interested individuals.

Mathematics Management

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George D
chip background star 4.5
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1025 Hours Tutored

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I am a self-motivated person who thoroughly enjoys the process of acquiring knowledge and then imparting it to others especially the subject matter of Management

Mathematics Economics Accounting Management Business Management Business Law Finance Marketing Management Commerce Business Statistics Business Mathematics Corporate Finance Business Accounting
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Mercy S
chip background star 5.0
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188 Hours Tutored

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I have experience lecturing Management Practice, communication and administration for university students. I studied management practice in my 3rd and 4th years of Environmental Health and got distinctions. Further studied public management

Sepedi Environmental Studies Management Research Research Methodology
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Sarah M
chip background star 5.0
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198 Hours Tutored

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Management is a business subject that provides a foundation to understanding how businesses may be structured and run on a day-to-day basis. I am able to work with students to help them build a practical understanding of this subject.

English Afrikaans Accounting Psychology Management Media Studies Research Research Methodology
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Imelda D
chip background star 4.9
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1534 Hours Tutored

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My students understand the links between development and society. A subject that brings together socio-economics, politics, sociology, philosophy, culture, and population dynamics - the community and the world of work. Students get a better understanding of legislation and local government services.

Mathematics English Life Sciences (Biology) Homework Life Orientation Natural Science Management Business Management Project Management Research Methodology Politics

97 Hours Tutored

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I am innovative and I can easily adapt to different situations. I am also tutoring second-year Bcom Accounting students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

Mathematics Management Management Accounting Macro Economics Microeconomics Cost Accounting
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Shivram M
chip background star 4.5
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81 Hours Tutored

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I make a great management tutor having already conquered the module in my first year and subsequently completing my degree in the commerce field. I have developed efficient methods of studying at a university level.

Mathematics English Accounting Economic Management Science (EMS) Management Commercial Law
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