Physical Science Tutors in Hatfield, Pretoria

Highest Quality Physical Science Tutors in Hatfield, Pretoria. Get Physical Science Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2

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Eliz-Mari M

Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria

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31 Hours Tutored

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I am studying B.Sc Biochemistry and Chemistry at the University of Pretoria. I recently help my two brothers with their grade 12 Physical Science, which means I am up to date with their syllabus.

Mathematics Physical Science Chemistry
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Bongani M

Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria

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698 Hours Tutored

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I'm excited to share my expertise in Physical Science with you. As an A-grade achiever and skilled experimentalist, I'm committed to helping you succeed. With my talent for simplifying complex concepts through practical examples, I'll guide you to achieve your goals and beyond.

Mathematics Physical Science Accounting Life Sciences (Biology) Life Orientation Statistics Engineering Graphic Design Calculus C++
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Khuliso N

Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria

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65 Hours Tutored

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Tutoring physical science is significantly more accessible when explained in layman's terms. This is primarily due to its direct connection to our tangible reality, making it easier for students to grasp complex concepts.

Mathematics Physical Science Engineering Graphic Design
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Rethabile T

Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria

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733 Hours Tutored

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I am good with both the numerical side of the subject and the content. I have increased my knowledge on topics considered challenging and difficult. I am also good at explaining the content, making the workload much easier on the student. I matriculated with 80% in the subject.

Mathematics Physical Science English Life Sciences (Biology) Geography Life Orientation Natural Science Sotho South Sotho
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Nicola I

Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria

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30 Hours Tutored

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I enjoyed Physical Science in school, choosing it as one of my matric subjects. However, seeing as I am studying a BA-degree, I feel comfortable tutoring it up to grade 9 level, only.

Physical Science English Afrikaans Life Sciences (Biology) History Natural Science Law Commercial Law
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San-mari A

Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria

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200 Hours Tutored

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I have always had a passion for Physical Science and matriculated with 84% in the subject. I would love to be involved in assisting you in mastering this subject.

Mathematics Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology) Natural Science
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Jonathan S

Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria

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53 Hours Tutored

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I have deep understanding of Physics, and a particular approach to preparation for tests and exams that I hope could help current scholars.

Mathematics Physical Science Electrical Studies Thermodynamics Python
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Wynand L

Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria

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70 Hours Tutored

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I've completed Chemistry and Physics subjects at University level. I have experience tutoring high school students privately.

Mathematics Physical Science Computer Studies (ICT)
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Jessica A

Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria

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123 Hours Tutored

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I have completed Physics courses at tertiary level, which gives me a deeper understanding of the content.

Physical Science English Afrikaans Life Sciences (Biology) Natural Science Chemistry Biochemistry Biology Computer Skills Microbiology Public Speaking
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Lwandiso C

Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria

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73 Hours Tutored

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I enjoyed this subject at school, and now I am studying for a BEng degree in Chemical Engineering. I would love to help students master this subject and help them feel confident with tests and exams. I understand the importance of being patient and supportive as a tutor.

Mathematics Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology) Zulu
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