Tutors in Edenvale

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Marilynn N

Tutor in Dowerglen, Edenvale

chip background star 4.8
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990 Hours Tutored

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Passionate about turning underdogs into champions! My students soon learn that all my teaching methodologies come down to Socrates': "I cannot teach you anything. I can only make you think."

Mathematics English Afrikaans
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Adrian H

Tutor in Dunvegan, Edenvale

chip background star 5.0
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334 Hours Tutored

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I am passionate about tutoring and will guide you to reach your goals. I spend my free time running and baking.

Mathematics Accounting
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Nicole L

Tutor in Dowerglen, Edenvale

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60 Hours Tutored

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I am a university student studying economic science at Wits. I am a rather patient person who is willing to work through anything step by step and ensure that everyone understands the work.

Mathematics Accounting Economics Economic Management Science (EMS) History
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Sthabile M

Tutor in Chloorkop, Edenvale

chip background star 5.0
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67 Hours Tutored

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I am adventurous, friendly and a committed hard worker. I love challenging myself and learning new things and developing new skills.

Economic Management Science (EMS) Zulu
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Ashley N

Tutor in Eden Glen, Edenvale

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112 Hours Tutored

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A goal-driven and ambitious young man. Down to earth, slow to anger and exhibits a great deal of patience.

Mathematics Physical Science Geography Accounting Taxation Engineering Graphic Design
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Kumaran N

Tutor in Eastleigh, Edenvale

chip background star 4.8
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152 Hours Tutored

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I am a caring and kind person who aims to help people in any way I can. Dedication and hard work helps me persevere through any difficulties which I may face.

Mathematics Physical Science English Life Sciences (Biology) History Life Orientation Natural Science Technology
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Patricia S

Tutor in Hurlyvale, Edenvale

chip background star 4.7
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552 Hours Tutored

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I have an inborn sense of idealism and morality. What sets me apart is that I am not an idle dreamer, but I am capable of taking concrete steps to realize my goals and make a lasting positive impact.

Mathematics Physical Science English Afrikaans Additional Mathematics Mathematics Literacy Spanish Technical Drawing AP Maths Conversational English
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Kgolofelo S

Tutor in Edenvale, Gauteng

chip background star 4.2
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105 Hours Tutored

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I am hard working, energetic and an analytical thinker. I do interior decorating for fun, and I also like playing board games and sports.

Mathematics Setswana
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Tina C

Tutor in Edenvale, Edenvale

chip background star 4.5
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129 Hours Tutored

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I’m an optimistic, lively person who likes going on adventures, exploring different places and shopping in my free time! I always try to have a positive outtake on any challenges that come my way!

Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology) Chemistry Physics
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Amé S

Tutor in Edenvale, Gauteng

chip background star 4.9
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153 Hours Tutored

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I think a lot of learning is done outside the classroom. Therefore, I believe my life experiences can help bring a fresh perspective on classroom work, and encourage an intrinsic understanding of it.

English Afrikaans History Life Orientation Drama Computer Studies (ICT) CAT Computer Skills
Curly haired mother searching on her laptop and struggling to find tutors online

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