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Amy F

Tutor in Cape Town, Western Cape • 29 years old

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I am a graduate entry medical student in my final year who is passionate about teaching and learning!

I love people and I know exactly how it feels to be stressed about school work. I'd love to help make concepts more clear and give a good understanding of the subject as a whole. I am very patient and kind and I love to see growth, no matter how long it takes.


• Bachelors of Science in Genetics ( University of Pretoria)
• Currently - studying Medicine ( St Georges University of London )

My Proudest

• I tutored at Claremont High School for two years and loved helping learners reach their potential!
• I am currently a Golden Key student in my Faculty.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12

I am very patient and I discovered the secret to the simplicity of Mathematics. I want to share my experience with some learners and touch their lives.


Grade 1 - Grade 12

I have a bilingual family and love teaching Afrikaans. I'd love to help all ages where needed.

Life Sciences (Biology)

Grade 1 - Grade 12

I enjoyed Biology during my undergraduate and ended up graduating in Human genetics. Understanding the basics really makes all the complicated stuff much easier to understand!

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12

I am doing a degree in Chemistry and I have a very well-rounded understanding of Physical Science. I love Science and want to share my passion by making it easy to understand.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, IEB

I loved geography during highschool and still have a huge passion for it now. I believe making the subject relatable and relevant is key to getting a good grade in biology which is so fact based/ study heavy as a subject

  • University Tutoring


First Year - Fourth Year

I took human Physiology both my undergrad as well as during my medical degree. Understanding physiology is essential to understanding pathophysiology as once you understand the basics everything is much easier!


First Year - Third Year GTS251 , GTS252, GTS351 , GTS352

I completed my undergrad in Human Genetics and I loved it! Understanding genetics is key to understanding loads of concepts that stem from the subject.

Reviews from others

“I tend to have a problem when it comes to asking for help especially with school, I always feel like I need to have it figured out on my own. Amy made me feel very normal and comfortable. I never felt unable to figure things out or that not getting something regarding the work was a fault of mine. She was patient, accommodating and cheered me on every step of the way. She was always there for me no matter what and I couldn’t be more grateful for my experience with her. ”
- Palesa
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