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I am a remarkable tutor, igniting academic excellence with my passion and expertise. Guiding students towards success, I inspire growth and empower learning journeys.
My empathy, effective communication, and personalized support tailored to individual needs set me apart as a great helper. My dedication to empowering others and my passion for making a positive impact are what truly make me exceptional. With my win-it mentality, failure isn't an option for those under my tutelage! I guarantee success with my unwavering commitment and dedication.
• 2019-2020 UNIVERSITY OF WITS BHSC - First year
My Proudest
• - Featured as guest speaker on EXPRESSIONS (Sabc1)
• - Served as head girl, leading with integrity
• - Achieved recognition as the school's top motivational speaker
• - Mentored students to attain distinctions
• - Achieving 5 Distinctions for my Matric Finals
Physical Science
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSCI’m studying BHSc and I enjoy Physics
Grade 1 - Grade 12 Nsc, IEB, CambridgeI did very well and it’s my home language. I am able to speak the language with passion and strong will. I have been able to take one of my students student from 6% all the way to 68% within a space of 2 months.
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSCIt’s in my line of career hence I’ve always been fascinated by it
Grade 1 - Grade 10 NSC, CAPSSkilled in imparting English knowledge, proficiently blending theory with practical language use.
Life Orientation
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSCI did very well in this subject and I relate to everything in the subject making it easier for me to reflect and teach it better
Nomthandazo will travel up to 15km from City and Suburban, Johannesburg, Gauteng to you.
Approximate location and area of coverage.
Reviews from others
“Thanks for keeping Milcah interested and for the flexibility and patience shown during class and technology issues.”- Donna
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