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Admire M

28 years old

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I studied Chemical engineering at the University of Capetown. I love interacting with different people from different parts of the world. I love music and l am also a professional pianist

I listen not to respond but to understand my students, so l can be able to effectively assist them in arrears they are lacking. When helping my students with a course or subject, l focus on fundamental principles which will make it easier for them to understand the content even when they study by themselves. I have been down this road and l know it can sometimes be overwhelming.


• 2010-2016 Speciss College
• BSc Eng in Chemical Engineering 2017-2022 University of Cape Town

My Proudest

• Having the 3rd highest physics mark in the entire Zimbabwe region for my sitting. Being selected to play for the under 19 national cricket team and going for the under 19 cricket world cup. Being the first person in my family to be enrolled to do an engineering degree.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12

I interact well with students and l have 2 years experience with tutoring. My students feel comfortable to open up about any challenges they face in the subject. I help them understand the laws of physics and be able to easily apply them thus improving their understanding


Grade 1 - Grade 12

English can be challenging for students who do not use it as a first language and easier for those who do. I help students understand the language and be able to apply it to their everyday life. I incorporate content from the syllabus and extensive resources so they use it daily, making it easier


Grade 1 - Grade 12

I can easily help my learners grasp the key concepts of the course that will enable them to overcome their obstacles with the course. I also assist my students with specific areas where they may have challenges so they can understand and improve easily.

Exam Preparation

Grade 1 - Grade 12

One thing I am passionate about is explaining and working through the material with my students. I specifically enjoy teaching younger learners as they are eager to learn. I am confident that I can help them perform to their best potential across all subjects.

Mathematics Literacy

Grade 1 - Grade 12

I would like to help students in adopting the correct approach for this subject, so that they become comfortable with and able to excel in Math Literacy

  • University Tutoring


First Year

I can easily help my learners grasp the key concepts of the course that will enable them to overcome their obstacles with the course. I also assist my students with specific areas where they may have challenges so they can understand and improve easily


First Year

I received a near distinction in the subject during my first year and I really enjoyed the content. I would like to help fellow students become confident in the subject area as well.


First Year

I am an interactive tutor who allows the students to highlight where they have problems and help them understand them, so they can easily tackle questions in the course.


First Year

I am an interactive tutor who is capable of explaining the key principles of geology and environmental science, this will make it easier for students to study consequential improving your marks. I focus on concepts students may have challenges to help them improve

Engineering Maths

First Year

I can easily help my learners grasp the key concepts of the course that will enable them to overcome their obstacles with the course. I also assist my students with specific areas where they may have challenges so they can understand and improve easily

Chemical Engineering

First Year - Fourth Year

I have always felt intrigued by Chemical Engineering and achieved a distinction for the subject, at the tertiary level, which gives me a deeper understanding of the content.

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