Four ways one-on-one tutoring develops your child’s confidence

8 minute read

Why spend money on hiring a private tutor for your child when school fees and university tuition are already so expensive? Isn't it interesting that the more confident you are in something, the more you can accomplish? When a child understands something, they are more likely to succeed in that area of life. Confidence is an asset because it can be transferred from one area of your life to another. Tutoring can play a crucial role in fostering your child's confidence by teaching them in a focused, personalised, and goal-oriented environment. If you're interested in the practicalities, here are four ways one-on-one tutoring develops your child’s confidence in learning. 

1.One-on-one tutoring:

What is one-on-one tutoring? One-on-one tutoring takes place between a student and an instructor. Instead of being in a group setting like a traditional classroom, one-on-one learning and teaching provide a space for increased interaction with less distraction. As a result, one-on-one tutoring allows students to have more control over how and when they learn.


Consider all the benefits of a learning environment where a teacher concentrates solely on one student and where the student's unique academic objectives are the main emphasis. 



We’ve generated a list of some of the benefits here:


✔ Tailored learning and communication: 


Each student has their preferred style of communication and learning. The process of learning is composed of cognitive processes that are not uniform across individuals. Although different people may learn and remember the same information, they do so in various ways. Through one-on-one tutoring, students can communicate and learn in a way that works best for them, increasing their chances of understanding the material better. As a result, there is a decrease in the likelihood of frequent miscommunications.


Related: You can read more about different styles of learning here.


✔ High-quality interactions:

When students have more autonomy over how lessons are delivered, they can feel more at ease to ask as many questions as they want without the fear of being teased or interrupted by classmates. Moreover, the pace at which learning occurs aims to suit their unique learning abilities. One-on-one tutoring is effective because it involves active participation and listening between a student and an instructor.


✔ Personal attention:


Lessons continue at school even when a student is absent due to illness or family obligations. Missing a lesson puts the student in danger of falling behind in subject material.  An added benefit is that students may review content missed during one-on-one lessons, making it easier to catch up in a structured and guided environment. The learner can then attend their regular classes feeling confident in the subject matter they covered.


✔ Monitoring progress is easier:


Grades and semester reports are often the only viable measures of progress in formal schooling. However, these measures only paint a limited image of the student’s abilities without fully being aware of their unique learning circumstances. One-on-one tutoring instead enables an instructor to develop a holistic understanding of the student’s progression, strengths and weaknesses. This way, one-on-one tutors know what their students need most to be prepared to continue moving forward, which makes generating regular progress reports possible.


✔ Limited distractions:


With one-on-one tutoring, there is little chance that a student will become distracted from tasks since a tutor may use varying teaching techniques to help them get back on track. Although some may prefer to learn and study in groups, for example, a group of four students, this isn’t always the best learning environment for everyone, no matter how disciplined a student may be. Bigger groups present increased distractions, for example, more chatter (background noise) and different levels of learners (leads to gaps in learning). Therefore, minimising distractions can help increase improved success in comprehension. 


✔ Individualised assessments:


One-on-one tutoring enables students and instructors to match interests based on development and problem areas. Success in learning depends on instructors being able to personalise assessments to focus on the areas where their students struggle using topics and resources that are valuable to them. This success is made possible by matching interests based on progress and pain points. As a result,  more meaningful engagements can happen around assessments generated. 

2.Building rapport with your child:

From what we've learnt about one-on-one tutoring, there is an emphasis on identifying a student's academic qualities and skills and using these as a roadmap for lessons. A tutor-student connection, combined with constructive reinforcement, will considerably boost a student's self-confidence and self-esteem and at the heart of this is rapport. Although a parent plays a critical part in nurturing their child's confidence, professionals may push them beyond their comfort zones and encourage them to feel more confident in their abilities.


Student feedback is another critical factor in an effective tutor-student working relationship. For example, after every summative test a student completes, the student is encouraged and has the freedom to share their thoughts on the effectiveness of the teaching methods and resources used by their tutor. In turn, an instructor can customise or create a lesson plan for remediation. 

3.Supportive environment: 

Research reveals a direct relationship between a student's home environment and academic success. A positive home environment for educational development and success relies heavily on parental involvement. You might be wondering what components make a positive home environment for learning. A positive home environment for learning surrounds everything you and your family do and the spaces and resources your child has access to that affect your child’s development and learning. One of the most important features is their interactions with people. Therefore, a good home environment requires people who are positive role models, who encourage, instil positive attitudes, and help your child build confidence in their abilities.

You guessed it: hiring a professional tutor or instructor would improve the home environment for optimal learning.


The decision to find the right tutor for your child is a proactive step that ensures their future success and well-being. To learn more about how you can create a learning-friendly environment at home, we've written an article here.

4.Increased confidence yields higher grades:

The best indicator of effective learning is a student’s boost of confidence when they notice that their ability to attempt new things in class improves. Being able to succeed in something you previously were failing at or were struggling to comprehend or do creates a feeling of pride and motivates you to keep the momentum. And continuous momentum, along with encouragement, is likely to result in improved academic performance. 


Throughout life, we are taught to build the confidence to try and the resilience to fail, and the formal schooling environment has undeniably played a role in facilitating this development. However, one-on-one tutoring is proven to be the most effective method of learning that yields the greatest level of confidence and academic achievement.



Related: Easy Ways to Dramatically Boost Your Grades

Why trust Teach Me 2 Tutors:

Teach Me 2 is a personalised tutoring service that works with parents like you to help their children excel in school. We recognise that the traditional classroom setting isn't always the best environment for all learning styles to thrive. As an immediate solution, we've carefully designed a service that offers your child an individualised tutoring programme. Our tutoring programmes address your child's learning concerns while empowering them to unlock their full academic potential.


Our purpose at Teach Me 2 is to provide life-changing opportunities for high school and university students through academic tutoring and development. We want students to be well-prepared to take on life-changing roles and positively affect the world around them. We do this by accepting just the best 10% of tutor applicants and offering ongoing support during your time with us.


Related: Does My Child Need A Tutor?

Our services: 

At Teach Me 2, we provide you with the choice of in-person or online tuition, this way learning support resources are accessible and pragmatic. With either format, your child can receive the best-in-class tutor for any subject. How? Through supplementing formal and traditional education by expanding on the material covered in class by each learner.


We have four main tutoring options available to you:


School Tutoring

University Tutoring

Language Tutoring

Online Tutoring

The secret is finding the perfect tutor to unlock your child’s potential. Trust us; avoid regret and start early.

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