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Ikanyeng B

33 years old

Can tutor online


I am an experienced tutor and gained my experience when I was a student assistant and social work tutor at the University of Pretoria.

I yearn to see learners in academia achieve their set goals and achieve those goals with ease. I believe teamwork should help learners be self-reliant and sustain what they have learned through our sessions even beyond tutoring lessons.


• 2011-2014: B. Social work

My Proudest

• My recent short course in trauma debriefing.
• My continuing community engagement projects in Gender-based violence.
• I am currently enrolled in a master's degree for Social development and policy.


  • University Tutoring

Social Work

First Year - Fourth Year

I desire to continually develop my skills and value in the social work environment. I aim to spread the knowledge and skills involved in social work to students who want to make a difference and help those in need.


First Year - Third Year

I would like to tutor Psychology because I have managed to pass Psychology level 1 and level 2 with distinctions. I am passionate about the basics of Psychology. Including social psychology and community psychology. I have also excelled in abnormal psychology.


First Year - Second Year

Criminology was one of my major modules through third year. I have excellent results both in Level 1 and Level 2. I am patient and passionate about teaching and learning. I have a background in tutoring as I received training from the University of Pretoria.

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