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Art Tutors in Boston

These are the Highest Quality Art Tutors in Boston. Get Art Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring

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Emily Y

Tutor in Boston, Massachusetts
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Emily Y

chip background star 5.0
Tutor in Boston, Massachusetts
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 40 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I obtained a distinction for this subject, and have a passion for understanding the theoretical aspect particularly.

Online tutors

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Chikita B

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chip background star 4.9
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 814 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I have a passion for Visual Art. I achieved a distinction in Art in Matric and would love to help others do the same! I still find myself engaging in creative projects and reading about Art History in my free time.

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chip background star 5.0

Arno M

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Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 468 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I am a professional artist with many years of experience. I am proficient in many mediums, including drawing, painting (oils and acrylic), as well as sculpture.

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Leoui J

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Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 487 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Cannot tutor in person Cannot tutor in person

I am skilled as a visual artist have always been deeply interested in art history. I was accepted to study Fine Arts at WITS, but in the end, decided to study music instead. However, I would be able to provide both practical and academic assistance.

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Carla S

Tutor in
chip background star 5.0
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 835 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I have had years worth of additional art lessons, have signed up and submitted my own artworks for competitions, and have even opened up my own art business recently. I have lots of experiencing in learning about and even teaching art.

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chip background star 4.8

Marinus B

Tutor in
chip background star 4.8
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 1856 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Cannot tutor in person Cannot tutor in person

Art is my passion, and I have a natural understanding of it. I also understand the importance in theory. My extensive knowledge and experience inspire my students in their studies.

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chip background star 4.9

Carissa P

Tutor in
chip background star 4.9
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 1348 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Cannot tutor in person Cannot tutor in person

I obtained a high distinction in high school. I, therefore, believe that I can assist you with both the theoretical and practical components of art.

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Sasha B

Tutor in
chip background star 5.0
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 466 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Cannot tutor in person Cannot tutor in person

Visual Art is a passion of mine and I enjoyed helping others with the practical and theory aspects of the subject during school.

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chip background star 4.8

Shingirai K

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chip background star 4.8
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 2657 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I have a Bachelors of Science honors degree in Creative Art and Design, I am able to teach Art at an extremely high level from all aspects such as drawing painting, photography, graphic design and craft work.

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chip background star 4.9

Chanelle D

Tutor in
chip background star 4.9
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 590 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Cannot tutor in person Cannot tutor in person

I graduated with my N.Dip in Fine Arts from the University of Johannesburg. The subjects specialized in were as follows: Drawing, Sculpture, Painting, Communications, and Art Theory. I am also a practicing Fine Artist.

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