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Development Studies Tutors in Western Cape

Highest Quality Development Studies Tutors in Western Cape. Get Development Studies Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2

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Lerato L

Tutor in Claremont, Cape Town
Tutor in Claremont, Cape Town
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I have pursued a comprehensive curriculum in development studies, ranging from introductory to advanced levels. This multifaceted educational background has equipped me with a robust understanding of development principles and methodologies, positioning me to contribute effectively in this field.

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Inolofatseng L

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I've taught housing development at University, Second year level for a year. I'm also a Master's student in Urban Studies (a field of development studies) and I've also worked in the development field as a town planner and researcher.

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chip background star 5.0

Mpumelelo M

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Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 26 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I have experience tutoring development modules for first and second-year students. Some core themes involved, global institutions, local economic development, and community development. I have a Master's degree in development studies. Your child will be in very good hands with me.

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chip background star 4.9

Alana B

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chip background star 4.9
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Hours tutored 95 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I hold a BSocSci degree in Psychology and Development Studies, with a 76% average in Development Studies modules. I want to help students who aren’t comfortable with Developmental Studies to no longer be intimidated by it, but rather help them feel confident and ready to approach the subject!

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