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Pharmacology Tutors in Harrismith, Harrismith

These are the Highest Quality Pharmacology Tutors in Harrismith, Harrismith. Get Pharmacology Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring

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Variksha S

Tutor in Harrismith, Harrismith
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Variksha S

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Tutor in Harrismith, Harrismith
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Hours tutored 34 Hours Tutored
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I am a young Pharmacy professional. I completed my bachelor's degree in pharmacy at Rhodes University where I studied pharmacology as a core subject. I am passionate about pharmacology and the mechanisms of drugs in the human body. I am well-versed in and passionate about the subject

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Edmund A

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Hours tutored 28 Hours Tutored
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Aiding junior students to prone them into different courses taught, for example, Industrial Chemistry, Biostatistics, Physical and Organic Chemistry

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Nomagugu N

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Hours tutored 1729 Hours Tutored
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I have been teaching Pharmacology since second year. Most students I encountered lacked confidence and found the subject to be intimidating. I have tried and tested strategies that I also used when I was a student and they have helped many.

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James M

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Hours tutored 35 Hours Tutored
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I am a great pharmacology tutor because I have the ability to build a bridge of transition from learning to application by helping my students apply their pharmacological and clinical concepts/knowledge to everyday life, which is the key to excel in pharmacy.

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chip background star 4.7

Nazneen M

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Hours tutored 91 Hours Tutored
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I have shown an exceptional understanding of the pharmacological principles and have the ability to intergrate it with the physiology and anatomy of the human body for a cemented understanding of module content, to extrapolate to daily life.

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Kwasi B

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Pharmacology is a vital part of the Bachelor of Pharmacy degree, which I passed with distinctions. At the moment I am busy with my master of Pharmacy degree and have an even more advanced insight on the the subject.

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Rubbia K

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Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 142 Hours Tutored
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Student will be provided with information regarding interactions between drugs and biological systems and covers the study of drugs as well as the reactions by the body or a microbe to the drug.

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Dylan L

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Hours tutored 206 Hours Tutored
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My passion for pharmacology extends to the point where I am almost certain it will be the field I will one day specialize in. I am an enthusiastic pharmacology tutor and I know I can be an asset to students in need.

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Zanele M

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Hours tutored 121 Hours Tutored
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Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

My Master's thesis is in pharmacology, delving into groundbreaking cancer treatments. With over 6 years of learning and coaching experience in pharmacology, I bring a unique blend of academic rigour and real-world application, in addition to being a medical student who uses this subject daily.

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Hannah W

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Hours tutored 76 Hours Tutored
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I am a masters student in Pharmacy at Rhodes University and have over a year of experience as a freelance tutor and as an undergraduate student teaching assistant. I obtained a distinction in Pharmacology and therefore, I am equipped with the knowledge and ability to tutor the subject.

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