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Math Tutors in United States

These are the Highest Quality Math Tutors in United States. Get Math Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring

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Nombeko M

Tutor in Maywood, Illinois
Tutor in Maywood, Illinois
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B.A. in Psychology, Minor in Political Science (GPA 3.94) Mathematics Tutor 09/2017 – 04/2018. Conducted math peer-tutoring to junior high students. Assisted students learn fundamental math concepts and strategies. Evaluated student learning styles to tailor tutoring.

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Berleen J

Tutor in Queens, New York
Tutor in Queens, New York
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I’m able to provide math support using Singapore Math strategies both in-person and remotely. I am well-versed in teaching mathematics through online platforms and in person covering topics from early numeracy skills, multiplication and division, fact fluency, fractions and decimals.

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Riley B

Tutor in San Diego, California
Tutor in San Diego, California
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I can tutor in any math subject up to Pre-Calculus. I scored a 710 on the math portion of the SATs, and my strongest areas are Algebra 1 and 2

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Jamie C

Tutor in Greenville, North Carolina
Tutor in Greenville, North Carolina
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I've tutored secondary and college math for years. I find it very easy and enjoyable! AP Calc (Differential and Integral) and Stats are second nature, and perfect math sub-score on ACT.

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Channa P

Tutor in The Bronx, New York
Tutor in The Bronx, New York
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I'm an experienced, certified educator with a proven ability to produce high levels of student growth and mastery in math. I expertly use a patient, engaging, interactive approach that develops your child's skills in number sense, geometry, patterns, problem solving, estimation, measurement, etc.

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Brighid H

Tutor in San Diego, California
Tutor in San Diego, California
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I have been tutoring in math for about 3 years now. I’ve mostly worked with elementary and middle school students, but have worked with high schoolers as well! Math is a tricky subject, but with the right attitude and some help, it can be a lot of fun!

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chip background star 5.0

Aryan C

Tutor in Naperville, Illinois
chip background star 5.0

Aryan C

chip background star 5.0
Tutor in Naperville, Illinois
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Gotten As in every math class since High School and even up to college. Subjects include Precalculus, Calculus Sequence, and Differential Equations. Very strongly profecient in Algebra topics as well

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Emily C

Tutor in San Diego, California
Tutor in San Diego, California
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As an undergrad, I majored in communication sciences and disorders and minored in chemistry and business. Currently, I am in my last year of grad school. Due to this unique background, I know how to scaffold skills and have a strong grasp of a variety of subjects, including math skills.

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Alejandro G

Tutor in Gainesville, Florida
Tutor in Gainesville, Florida
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I have been tutoring 12th grade students who were failing at math and after my lessons they all passed their exams. Good experience teaching in both English and Spanish.

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Jayati M

Tutor in Queens, New York
Tutor in Queens, New York
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I am a Freshman in the Yalow Honors Program for Pre-health students at CUNY Hunter College. I have taken Geometry, Algebra 1 and 2, Trigonometry, Pre-calculus, and AP Calculus AB in High school. I took Calculus 1 last semester as a Freshman in college, and I received an A+.

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