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Mukhtar Y

26 years old

Can tutor online


I am an MSc Mathematics student in Stellenbosch University and I'm a prolific tutor.

I am good in decoding mathematical concepts to a students, regardless of the student's background. I am not use to getting bored of questions from students.


• 2021-2022- Education Officer II (Kwara State Teaching Service Commission)
• 2019-2020- Classroom Tutor (Ambrose Alli University)
• 2015-2019 - BSc. Mathematics (University of Ilorin)

My Proudest

• I graduated from with excellent grade and was among top 3.
• I won a DAAD Scholarship to further my studies.


  • University Tutoring


First Year - Second Year

I graduated from the Department of Mathematics in University of Ilorin with First Class honors. With my passion and skills to impact knowledge, I tutored my colleagues. During my National Youth Service, I tutored year-1 students of mathematics in Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma.

Linear Algebra

First Year - Second Year

I am a good tutor of Linear Algebra because I had excellent grades in it during my undergraduate. I spent a great deal of time with Linear Algebra in order to have a good grip of its knowledge.

R Studio

First Year - Second Year

I basically use R Studio for all simulations and visualization of my master project. Also, I facilitate other colleagues on R Studio.

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