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Study skills Tutors in Mbombela

These are the Highest Quality Study skills Tutors in Mbombela. Get Study skills Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring

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chip background star 4.7

Rudogwashe R

Tutor in Mbombela, Mpumalanga
chip background star 4.7

Rudogwashe R

chip background star 4.7
Tutor in Mbombela, Mpumalanga
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 271 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I obtained distinctions throughout school as well as throughout my LLB and BA(Law) degrees. This was achieved by exploring various studying techniques and adjusting them according to the needs of the subject.

Online tutors

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chip background star 4.9

Carol W

Tutor in
chip background star 4.9
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 611 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I offer support in enhancing study skills, drawing from my tutoring experience. Whether organizing notes, developing effective study strategies, or mastering time management, I provide tailored guidance to help students excel academically.

Tutor profile white background clipping mask Tutor profile
chip background star 5.0

Sarah W

Tutor in
chip background star 5.0
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 471 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I am able to provide guidance with study techniques and skills for both Primary and High School learners.

Tutor profile white background clipping mask Tutor profile
chip background star 4.9

Carissa P

Tutor in
chip background star 4.9
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 1398 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Cannot tutor in person Cannot tutor in person

I helped numerous students before. We will have a lot of fun together, while we're on our journey, busy discovering which study skill suits you best!

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chip background star 5.0

Lehandra R

Tutor in
chip background star 5.0
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 372 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Cannot tutor in person Cannot tutor in person

I am a registered Specialist Wellness Counsellor and SACE registered teacher with experience in helping students improve their confidence in learning and their study skills. I have experience in working with students who have ADHD and dyslexia and have a special interest in remedial learning.

Tutor profile white background clipping mask Tutor profile
chip background star 4.7

Neels B

Tutor in
chip background star 4.7
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 988 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I have vast knowledge and experience in tutoring study skills. I have taught many students methods and techniques to improve their memory and perform better in tests and exams. I have also studied Cognitive Psychology at university level.

Tutor profile white background clipping mask Tutor profile
chip background star 4.9

Esperance d

Tutor in
chip background star 4.9
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 534 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Cannot tutor in person Cannot tutor in person

I have 20 years of teaching experience. I am confident in my ability to assist learners to reach their full academic potential and ensure they are given the correct tools and guidance to improve their study methods.

Tutor profile white background clipping mask Tutor profile
chip background star 4.9

Chikita B

Tutor in
chip background star 4.9
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 825 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Cannot tutor in person Cannot tutor in person

I am patient and understanding in my approach to learning, and believe this is key to helping students overcome their challenges in any subject they deal with. I aim to help students develop summaries and effective learning strategies to optimize their performance throughout their school career.

Tutor profile white background clipping mask Tutor profile
chip background star 5.0

Carla S

Tutor in
chip background star 5.0
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 848 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I am very good at teaching all necessary studying skills to students, as I believe good study habits are essential to excelling at any test, exam or other academic material.

Tutor profile white background clipping mask Tutor profile
chip background star 5.0

Tendai M

Tutor in
chip background star 5.0
Background checked Background Checked
Hours tutored 578 Hours Tutored
Can tutor online Can tutor online
Can tutor in person Can tutor in person

I am confident that I can assist students with the study tips and skills they need. I am able to support students where needed and help them build confidence in their work.

Curly haired mother searching on her laptop and struggling to find tutors online

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