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Language Arts (English) Tutors in United States

Highest Quality Language Arts (English) Tutors in United States. Get Language Arts (English) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2

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Anthony A

Tutor in Santa Ana, California
Tutor in Santa Ana, California
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I currently teach English

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Malcolm W

Tutor in Haverford, Pennsylvania
Tutor in Haverford, Pennsylvania
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Hey everyone! I graduated high school in 2019 with a 4.4 GPA and scored 1440 on the SAT (720 on the Language Arts portion). I took both AP Language/Composition as well as AP Literature in high school, scoring a 4 on both of those AP exams. I also was a journalism major for a year of college.

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Lydia S

Tutor in Denton, Texas
Tutor in Denton, Texas
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I remember being so enlightened by my high school English teachers; I want to share the same experience with someone! Analyzing literature, poetry, working on grammar, and story-telling are all some of my strengths.

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Maria B

Tutor in Gardiner, Maine
Tutor in Gardiner, Maine
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These classes placed a heavy emphasis on critical thinking and discussions regarding weekly reading material.

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Chloe H

Tutor in Littleton, Colorado
Tutor in Littleton, Colorado
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I previously tutored students at the University of South Carolina who were completing introductory English classes, specifically focusing on paper writing etiquette, editing techniques, and reading comprehension success tips.

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Vianca J

Tutor in Santa Ana, California
Tutor in Santa Ana, California
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I currently work with students Pre-k through highschool with all of their english assignments. We go over grammar, punctuation, and composition. I am also well versed in literature analysis and have received a score of 4 on both AP English tests

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Dalia M

Tutor in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Tutor in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
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I possess the TESOL/TELF Certification that validates my ability to teach English online.

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Andre B

Tutor in Rocky Mount, North Carolina
Tutor in Rocky Mount, North Carolina
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I have taught this area for 6 years

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Laura P

Tutor in St. Cloud, Florida
Tutor in St. Cloud, Florida
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As a History teacher, I was always told I was also a Reading teacher. Therefore, I have been teaching Reading/Language Arts for most of my career. I have been intensively teaching it virtually for the last 2 years. My students enjoy my lessons and show growth.

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Erica M

Tutor in Jacksonville, Florida
Tutor in Jacksonville, Florida
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Reading and Writing is a passion of mine. I like to teach students how to love it as much as I do!

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