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Masechaba K

26 years old

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Can tutor online


I am an authentic creator and innovator. I am one who is interested in helping the 'underdog' see their true potential as I have helped myself to do so.

I have found myself in many leadership positions and that has granted me the chance of understanding that leadership is not about exercising power in order to rule or dominate, it is to reach out to those who believed in you enough to place you in that position and helping them apply themselves in the process of developing a society.


• 2016 - 2021 BSc Computer Science and Computer Engineering

My Proudest

• Secured funding with a major company to study at university.
• Making it into my res House Committee.
• Completing an entrepreneurial program in High School.


  • School Tutoring

Life Sciences (Biology)

Grade 1 - Grade 12

I loved Biology and am able to develop thinking strategies when approaching essays. I can also share knowledge on key topics and help learners prepare for exams.


Grade 1 - Grade 12

I enjoy Maths and matriculated with 91% for the subject. I am able to help learners think beyond the class content to analyse questions more deeply.

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12

I enjoy Physics and am able to illustrate problems for easier understanding. I adopt an easier approach to answering questions in my lessons.

Life Orientation

Grade 1 - Grade 12

I did well in LO and can assist with compiling projects and assignments.

Computer Programming

Grade 1 - Grade 12

Performed well in CAT in high school and went on to pursue a Computer Science Degree which I have graduated in.

Reviews from others

“Nayobi is greatful for Masechaba's assistance with tutoring. Her explanation and definitions definitely shines a light and Nayobi has only had best feedback after each session. We have seen an improvement in Nayobi 's marks and would like to see it improve more with Masechaba's assistance ☺️ Thank you for your effort and dedication ❤️”


“Masechaba is patient and relates well to Sithara. She has a kind and engaging way which works well with Sithara's personality.”


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