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Olajide A

45 years old

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Competent and diligent professional, having diverse experience of over Ten (10) years teaching in the United Kingdom, Nigeria and South Africa and experienced seasonal motivational speaker.

Sharing life experience and expertise to enrich the lives of others. Experienced in Teaching Business Studies, Accounting, and Economics (IGCE, A/Level and International Foundation (IFY). Cambridge International Examination (CIE) Examiner and Assessor (IGCE level and A/level Business Studies).


• 2009 University of Bedfordshire, Luton United Kingdom MSc: International Finance and Banking
• 2002 Lagos State University, Lagos BSc: Economics 2005. University of Lagos, B.A (Hon) Curri. studies

My Proudest

• Achieved Teacher of the year. Help improve the Economics Student pass rate from 40% to 75% and also improve the Business Studies pass rate from 50% to 80% with2 year of teaching the class.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12

Experience in Teaching Economics across different curricula CAIE,FET CAPS, IEB and IB and Undergraduate level. Having taught for more than 12 years and had helped many students to understand Economic concepts and analysis. Improve Students learning performance to targeted levels.


Grade 1 - Grade 12

I have mastery knowledge of teaching Accounting across different curriculum. I have experience in teaching CIE A/level Account having taught A/level accounting for 4 years. My experience from the ACCA Accounting Professional Examination has enhanced my understanding and teaching of the subject.

Business Studies

Grade 1 - Grade 12

I teach Business students across the different curricula; CAIE, FET CAPs, IEB and University level. I have mastery of teaching Finance and Management. I am currently CIE Assessment specialist/ marker.

  • University Tutoring


First Year

I have taught Accounting at the Undergrad level and as well as the grade level. I am ACCA professional qualified in View

Reviews from others

“Mpumelelo passed his Business A-Level Final Exams with 62%. This was "Wow!" for all of us. Thank you so much Mr Olajide. We pray that God will bless and increase you as you continue helping many other learners. Have a Prosperous & Successful 2023! ”


“Ola is so patient and friendly with Stella!”


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