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Tapiwa M

27 years old

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I am a highly Visual and Kinesthetic learner with a passive passion for problem solving. Time is worth everything.

My experience as a student together with all my extra-curricula activities; sports, cultural clubs, leadership achievements, has a strong influence with my interactions with peers and mentees. I prefer walking over talking, but I cannot ignore the relevance of both.


• For my first year, I studied mechanical engineering at the University of Manitoba. I later made the switch to complete my degree in Mechatronics at the University of Cape Town - B.Sc Engineering

My Proudest

• My Sporting Achievements are among my most valued, with recognition on a national level.
• The numerous positions of leadership throughout my years in school which groomed me to be an example to all.
• My academic achievements are highly ranked. I wasn't always a good learner; however, I did find a way


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12

Completed my A-Level Cambridge Physics syllabus with an A* through a hands on institution. Mastered both the practical and theoretical aspects of this syllabus. Physics was always a challenge, but a fun one.


Grade 1 - Grade 12

I followed the Mechanics based route of the A-Level Cambridge Syllabus, together with the Pure Mathematics. When it came to the exams, it was a task of finding the right balance between your time management and you reasoning skills.

Design & Technology

Grade 1 - Grade 12

A technical form of self-expression. I found myself in depth with a detail attentive creativity which was based on developing schematics and models of numerous ideas.

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12

Completed my A-Level Cambridge Physics syllabus with an A* through a hands on institution. Mastered both the practical and theoretical aspects of this syllabus. Physics was always a challenge, but a fun one.

  • University Tutoring

Engineering Drawing

First Year

Broad understanding in technical drawing and PCB design using SOLIDWORKS; further supplementation by good fundamentals in designing.


First Year

Experience with topics that include functions and graphs; limits and continuity; differentiation of functions; applications of derivatives to velocity and acceleration, related rates, maxima and minima; differentials, indefinite and definite integrals

Linear Algebra

First Year

Grasped techniques of classical and linear Algebra through an introduction to a variety of practical algebraic concepts and skills necessary for the study of calculus and advanced engineering mathematics


First Year - Second Year

Above the science of Kinematics and Dynamics, I learnt to perform deflection and stress calculations, kinematic analysis of gear trains, and energy storage calculations in flywheels. Also some introductory experience with Einstein's theory of special relativity

Engineering Maths

First Year

Good conceptual and visual understanding of the fundamentals of Statics, integral Calculus, Algebra and Differential equations


First Year

Foundational knowledge of concepts and mathematics within the context of vibrations, waves, electromagnetism and other electronic engineering related concepts

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