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Nathan B

27 years old

chip background 44
chip background 44
Can tutor online


I am an ambitious, hardworking young graduate person passionate about teaching, sharing my knowledge and assisting students.

I know and believe that I have the right skills. And I love and have a passion for helping others, especially because there is a great joy in me when sharing my knowledge with those in need and assisting those who want to develop their IQ .


• 1 . 2018- 2021 National Diploma in Electrical Engineering at Tshwane University of Technology with 14 distinctions
• 2. I have been a tutor and mentor at Tshwane University of Technology for one year

My Proudest

• 1. I was the third best student in my Province in DRC for my matric and finished it with 82 %
• 2. I achieved my National Diploma with 14 distinctions and a lot of interesting projects were done by me


  • University Tutoring

Engineering Maths

First Year

I took several calculi and abstract algebra subjects in university, and I worked with students to help or assist them with their subjects, helping them to gain a deeper understanding of writing principles and concepts.


First Year

I am an ambitious, a hardworking young person passionate about microelectronics. I am dedicated and experienced with a proven track record of helping students to improve their academic performances. Adept at evaluating students and creating learning plans based on their strengths and weakness.


First Year

I am a hardworking young person passionate about programming languages. I am dedicated and experienced with a proven track record of helping students to improve their academic performances. Adept at evaluating students and creating learning plans based on their strengths and weakness.

Electrical Engineering

First Year

I am an ambitious, hardworking young person passionate about Electricals systems. I am dedicated and experienced with a proven track record of helping students to improve their academic performances. Adept at evaluating students and creating learning plans based on their strengths and weakness.

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