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Monique G

48 years old

Can tutor online


I am an ambitious self-motivated business owner and mother who is passionate about teaching and making a positive difference in the lives of students who wish to reach their full potential!

I have over 2 decades of experience in producing educational content for online, training and broadcast purposes. I believe in an edu-tainment approach to teaching and learning (educational while entertaining at the same time).


• 1997: BA Dramatic Art Hons (WITS)
• 1997: Trinity College Licentiate (Speech & Drama)
• 2019: Strategic Implementation of ICT Integration in Education
• 2012: Dip in Internet Marketing & Online PR

My Proudest

• Launching Takalani Sesame TV series in 2000 and being headhunted to produce the 20th anniversary series for Sesame Workshop NY for SAvSouth Africa in 2020
• Gauteng Swimming Colours (It was then known as the Transvaal!)
• Completing my first Comrades Marathon (I have now done 7 consecutive)


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 7

I am a qualified Speech and Drama teacher at Trinity College London. I also have a BA Dramatic Art Honours Degree from WITS University. I have lectured Dramatic Theory and Design at university and I have taught Drama part-time at High School level.


Grade 1 - Grade 7

I have a diploma in Strategic Implementation of ICT Integration in Education and am a qualified Speech teacher. I also have a son who is in Grade 7 at Reddam so I am very familiar with the curriculum.


Grade 1 - Grade 7

I want to help students who aren’t comfortable with Mathematics to no longer be intimidated by it, but rather help them feel confident and ready to approach the subject!


Grade 1 - Grade 7

I have a BA Dramatic Arts Honours Degree (Design Major). I am a qualified Speech and Drama teacher and have a diploma in Strategic Implementation of ICT Integration in Education. I have also lectured design at university level.

Art History

Grade 1 - Grade 7

I would like to help students in adopting the correct approach for this subject. I also have a BA Dramatic Arts Honours Degree (Design Major), and a qualified Drama teacher through Trinity College London.


Grade 1 - Grade 7

I have a diploma in Strategic Implementation of ICT Integration in Education. I am very familiar with the curriculum and find I am able to explain difficult concepts in a way people can understand, making their learning more enjoyable and successful.

  • Language Tutoring


Beginner - Intermediate

I am a qualified Speech and Drama teacher. I would like to help others to develop a comprehensive knowledge of the core concepts and a passion for the language.

  • University Tutoring

Project Management

First Year - Fourth Year

I have a BA Dramatic Arts Degree with a Project Management Major. I have a diploma in Strategic Implementation of ICT Integration in Education. I also lectured at university level.

Curly haired mother searching on her laptop and struggling to find tutors online

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