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Claudious N

24 years old

chip background 92
chip background 92
Can tutor online


I am a passionate learner and I hope to build every student to be greater than what they could imagine. I believe my role is to motivate students and mould them to be bold and self-driven .

I am self-driven and try to tackle any challenge that comes my way. My greatest strength is my positivity, hence I use this to inspire my students. I am always researching on ways to improve the learning process and I hope to bring value to my students and help them achieve best they can.


• 2017 - 2020 BSc in Computer Engineering and Computer Science(UCT)
• 2020 - 2021 BSc in Computer Science(Hons)(UCT)
• 2022 -2023 Machine Learning Engineer
• 2023-2023 MSc in Artificial Intelligence

My Proudest

• My proudest achievements are being given the opportunity to tutor first and second-year courses even though I was an undergrad. Secondly, I managed to complete my undergrad and was also offered honors.


  • University Tutoring

Computer science

First Year - Third Year

I'm experienced with Java, C++ and Python which I have polished through the years. I hope to use the skills I gained to help someone on their programming journey.


First Year - Postgrad

I'm experienced with Java, C++ and Python which I have polished through the years. I hope to use the skills I gained to help someone on their programming journey.


First Year - Third Year

I'm experienced with Java, C++ and Python which I have polished through the years. I hope to use the skills I gained to help someone on their programming journey.


First Year - Postgrad

I'm experienced with Java, C++ and Python which I have polished through the years. I hope to use the skills I gained to help someone on their programming journey.

Artificial Intelligence

First Year - Postgrad

I'm passionate about AI and currently pursuing a Masters's in AI. Willing to help and share my journey on this revolutionary journey.

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