The Benefits Of Tutoring (For Tutors)

5 minute read


Calling all aspiring tutors! If you have ever considered putting your knowledge to good use and becoming a tutor, then keep on reading. There are plenty of reasons to start tutoring, so if you’re on the fence, check out these 11 benefits of tutoring:


Earn extra cash

Being able to make money while doing something you love and are passionate about is what we all aim for! Whether you are a student or working part time, being able to supplement your income by teaching others is a win-win. 


Flexible working

Perhaps you are looking for an afternoon or evening job you can do after your university lectures. Tutoring will allow you to slot in lessons with your learners once they have come home from school, which is when there is the highest demand. In addition, you can choose to tutor learners in-person or online, creating an even greater level of flexibility. 


Increase your own knowledge

Besides helping others learn, you’ll be able to learn more yourself! As you plan out lessons and prepare assessments and practice tests, there will be an element of research involved. This is an excellent opportunity to build upon the knowledge of the subject matter that you already have, providing intellectual fulfilment as you’re exposed to different learning styles. 


You’ll learn teaching skills

Even if you aren’t planning on becoming a teacher, there are still many opportunities to utilise your teaching skills. 


Here are some of the skills you’ll pick up while tutoring:

  • Being able to tailor lessons to individual needs - knowing how to create a lesson plan for a student’s particular strengths and weaknesses is a crucial skill that will help you teach others. 
  • Explaining concepts - tutoring enables you to learn how to explain concepts to students who haven’t yet been able to grasp them. 
  • A wide curriculum knowledge - unlike parrot-fashion learning and repeating information, tutoring requires one to research areas of the subject that they were not confident in. Without being able to do so, you would not be able to provide your students with instruction.
  • Planning interesting lessons - tutors get to plan lots of lessons for students. This experience is valuable in any future opportunity to teach and demonstrate something new to others. 


Leadership skills

As the tutor, you will be responsible for facilitating lessons and developing a tailored lesson plan for each learner as a guide. The direction you take is mostly up to you, based on the needs of each learner, which is where you get to lead them. Take the time to identify weak areas, then using your leadership skills and effective communication, you can help each learner to achieve academic success! 


Add variety to your work day

For those who find routine a little boring, tutoring is perfect. You’ll be interacting with different students throughout the course of your week, each with their own personalities, quirks and individual needs. Being able to adapt your lessons based on the performance of your students will keep you on your toes, while providing evidence of the range of support you can offer. 



Who says you have to be able to sing or draw in order to be creative? Tutoring will allow you to demonstrate creativity on a daily basis! You’ll be coming up with games and activities to keep learning fun and engaging. 


Making a difference

A key element of tutoring is knowing that you are enhancing the knowledge and understanding of somebody else who is interested or struggling in the subject you know a lot about. Learners need the help of a tutor for so many different reasons, and ultimately, you will be making a difference in somebody’s life. To help somebody understand a concept that they have been grappling with is a rewarding experience, and the sense of pride you will feel as you watch learners reach academic success is unmatched. 


Transferable skills

Looking for something to add to your CV? Your hours of tutoring, planning lessons and imparting knowledge will help to show off your transferable and intangible skills. Things like empathy, identifying somebody’s learning style, excellent communication, planning ahead, teaching experience, to name a few. 


Be a role model

All our Teach Me 2 tutors have proven that they excel at one or more subjects in school or university. In fact, we only hire 10% of the tutors that apply! With this in mind, after successfully joining the Teach Me 2 tutor team, you would be at the peak of your subject knowledge, able to impart what you know to those who aspire to be just like you. 


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