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Daniel R

38 years old

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I am a passionate learner and tutor who started as self-taught so I know firsthand the struggles of certain subjects being difficult to grasp as first.

I follow the maxim: if you can't understand it simply, you don't understand it well enough. I also try to make tutoring fun and relevant to people's day to day lives.


• BA in English (CUNY- Queens College)
• MA in Economics (San Jose State University)

My Proudest

• Having won a comedy competition, a poetry competition, as well as having publish papers in economic journals.


  • School Tutoring


1st Grade - 12th Grade

I have a Masters in Economics, as well as peer reviewed published articles in economics. I can teach economics in a way that is intuitive and simple to understand.


1st Grade - 12th Grade

I used to be bad at math, and because of graduate school requirements to learn Calculus, Matrix Algebra, and differential equations, I taught myself math and received an A- in my math classes.

  • University Tutoring


1st Year - Postgrad

I have a Masters in Economics, as well as peer reviewed published articles in economics. I can teach economics in a way that is intuitive and simple to understand.


1st Year - 4th Year

Learning about economics in graduate school, makes learning about political science a necessary prerequisite first.

English Literature

1st Year - 4th Year

My undergraduate degree is in English, where I made honor roll in every English class I took.

Curly haired mother searching on her laptop and struggling to find tutors online

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