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Online French Tutors

These are the Highest Quality Online French Tutors. Get French Lessons Online with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring

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Kalala K

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Hours tutored 138 Hours Tutored
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I am a native French speaker with bilingual sensibilities having emigrated from a French speaking country and studied in an English speaking one. I just recently returned from Belgium where I obtained a B1 Business French Diploma from the prestigious French school CCI Paris-Ile-De-France.

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Tarisai M

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Hours tutored 114 Hours Tutored
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French has always been like a home language for me. So let me help you learn the language of love. It is definitely not as hard as it may seem and one soon you’ll be saying fluently, "oui let's go to Paris!!!".

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Azizou O

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Hours tutored 143 Hours Tutored
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I did all my studies up to A level with French as my first language. It's the official language of my country Togo.

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Zoë A

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Hours tutored 139 Hours Tutored
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French I wish I learned from birth, my mom speaks it fluently and I am so jealous about this! In university, I was finally able to fulfil my dream of studying the language. I do a little bit of French every single day; making my phone's language French, reading an article, or listening to a song.

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Chizembi S

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Hours tutored 122 Hours Tutored
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French is a wonderfully immersive language and I realised I got the most out of it, and in turn my best results, when I allowed myself to fully dive into subject. Learning a language shouldn't have to be dreary, and bringing a sense of enjoyment is what I would hope to do.

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Sinmiloluwa O

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Hours tutored 154 Hours Tutored
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I had my entire primary schooling at a French school in a francophone country- Togo. Subsequently, French is the second language in our home.

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Hours tutored 99 Hours Tutored
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I am bilingual. I have proficiency both in English and French, and I would like to help anyone who wants to sharpen their knowledge in French in a way that they will be able to use it in daily conversations.

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Scholtz l

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Hours tutored 122 Hours Tutored
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I have always loved French, which is why I pursued it at High School-level. I have experience tutoring others. I have finished the DELF A2 Exam at the Alliance de Française de Pretoria.

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Ayaovi D

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Hours tutored 139 Hours Tutored
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I tailor my teaching approach to meet each student's needs and objectives, whether it's improving their French pronunciation, mastering French grammar, as well as reading and writing. I achieved 93% for French at grade 12 level.

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Noé F

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Hours tutored 136 Hours Tutored
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I have studied French at school and at tertiary level. I was part of the top students in French Literature and Dictation. I wish to help others understand it better.

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