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Bianca H

30 years old

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I am a reliable and responsible person who likes to help others and finds happiness in doing so.

I don't get mad or impatient quickly and make it my goal to help and improve where I can to the best of my ability.


• 2014-2018 BEd senior and fet
• 2013 motor skills development
• 2014 Settlers Agricultural High school - coach
• 2016 Lord Milner School .Worked as a temp by marking exams and teaching

My Proudest

• I have my teaching degree in senior and FET. I have had a bookkeeping job for 8 years now. Coaching hockey for a high school team. Reaching over 1000 hours of tutoring.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 Ncs

Afrikaans is my home language and I have a passion for it.

Life Orientation

Grade 1 - Grade 12 Ncs

I have always found the subject to be interesting and that is why I did well in it, I would love to assist other students in LO.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB

English is my second language and I just have a passion for languages.


Grade 1 - Grade 7 NSC, CAPS

Need help with Homework and projects? I've got you covered! Get expert guidance in Afrikaans Home Language, English as First Additional Language, Mathematics, Life Orientation, and Natural Sciences. Let's excel together!

Reviews from others

“Excellent methods of teaching. love her patience and dedication. Very friendly and always on time”
- Miyelani
“Bianca is patient and is always willing to go through work more than once if I'm not understanding ”
- Ruth
“Bianca is professional, kind and ever punctual. she shows great interest in assisting Ndzalama ”
- Godden
“Bianca is patient with Ntando and she explains everything in detail. Bianca is passionate about her job and Ntando is enjoying being taught by her.”
- Zakhe
“she is passionate and love what she is doing . i will continue with her even next year.she is the best”
- Nondumiso
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