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Kwasi B

40 years old

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A caring, self-motivated, disciplined individual and a confident team player, I possess excellent problem solving, listening, communication and interpersonal skills and pays keen attention to detail..

I grew up from a very disadvantaged background and my experience in life molded me into a being with a natural empathy assist people. I also take a personal pride into making meaningful contributions in other people life


• Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) candidate -University of the Witwatersrand- (currently)
• Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm)-University of the Witwatersrand
• BSc Biological Science -University of Ghana,

My Proudest

• Was able to go too medical school despite so many stumbling blocks including financial battles and complete my BPharm degree after which I didn't rest on my oars but currently pursuing my masters as well. It was also a memorable to give free tuition to my community after completing my high school


  • School Tutoring

Additional Mathematics

Grade 1 - Grade 12

Additional mathematics was a requirement major subject for my senior high school certificate(Matric) as a science student, of which i passed with a distinction. I also used to tutor some of my colleagues to enable them to pass the subject


Grade 1 - Grade 12

Mathematics is a discipline that I enjoy very much and I have excelled in distinctions in various stages of my academic career. I also passed with a distinction in my final Senior Certificate final exams

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12

my elective subjects for senior high school education comprised of Physics and Chemistry, of which I passed with distinctions. In the University as well I continued to do physics in the first year and chemistry from 1st to final year

  • University Tutoring


First Year

Chemistry was part of my subjects for the first year of my Bachelor of Pharmacy degree as well as n major subject for my senior high school certificate(Matric) and in both instances, I passed with a distinction. I also tutored some of my colleagues


First Year - Fourth Year

Pharmacology is a vital part of the Bachelor of Pharmacy degree, which I passed with distinctions. At the moment I am busy with my master of Pharmacy degree and have an even more advanced insight on the the subject.

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